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Samaritans coordinates our RaiseRight program (formerly known as ShopWithScrip), where you can purchase shopping cards for a wide variety of companies. For every shopping card purchased, Samaritans receives a rebate that is used to help those in need. The percentage for the rebate varies by vendor. Click HERE to learn more about RaiseRight.
If Resurrection Parish streaming is not available - please go to St. Matthew streaming below.
Your parish encourages you to give on a weekly/monthly or yearly basis.
An efficient and easy way to contribute to your parish is through WeShare online electronic giving that is quick and convenient.
Please consider donating. If you would like to have envelopes mailed to you, please contact the parish office.
The Social Committee is looking for men and women 21 years of age or older, who want to promote fellowship and a sense of community here at Resurrection Parish. After a long hiatus due to COVID-19 we welcome new members to help us carry on the tradition of the sense of community upon which Resurrection Parish was founded. If you are interested in helping to run 3 to 4 social events each year, please contact Mike or Claire at [email protected] or 973-366-6227.