Resurrection Parish
2023-24 Family Faith Formation Program Overview
Children in Grades K-8 and their Parents
The Family Faith Formation program recognizes the celebration of the Eucharist as “the Source & Summit” (Vat. II) of our spiritual life and growth in the faith. Through scripture readings, homily, reflection, music, and prayer we learn more about God and our role in the Church, community, and the world. Thus, Mass is the foundational component of our program along with religious instruction and faith experiences to further impart the teachings and living of the Catholic faith.GENERAL INFORMATIONMain Office Hours: Monday through Thursday~ 10:00 am to 4:00 pm; Friday~ ClosedPhone: 973-895-4224PERSONNEL
Pastor Rev. John Tarantino
Mrs. Lorraine Scandariato – Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Annette Tracy - Assistant to the Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Jean Mindingall, Lead CatechistANNOUNCEMENTSParents should consult the parish website and weekly parish newsletters for general information regarding the Family Faith Formation Program. Although written communication reflecting changes in the program calendar or special up-coming events will be emailed, the website and parish bulletin provides another means of communicating information about the program. BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATESAll children enrolled in our Family Faith Formation provide a copy of their Baptismal certificate upon entering the program. For those requiring this Blessed Sacrament, we are happy to help with the arrangements. ATTENDANCEFamilies are asked to be on time and in attendance for all 16 sessions. Families who miss too many sessions may be asked to repeat a grade level. All medical appointments, group or organizational meetings, athletic and extra-curricular activities are to be arranged at a time when our Family Faith Formation Program is not in session. It is our policy not to dismiss children and families early for sports activities. Families attend the dates from their assigned group session only (Glory and Praise). There is no switching dates to attend another session.
SNOW POLICYIn the event of snow / bad weather, families are notified if we have to cancel. All cancellations are posted on our parish website and announced on our parish main office number at (973) 895-4224. You will also receive an email from us. We strongly encourage families to check with us before attempting to drive to your Family Faith Formation session. PROGRAM OVERVIEW
Children in grades 1-8 and their parents participate in a 90-minute session approximately every other week on the family’s scheduled Sunday for a total of 16 of these sessions throughout the school year. This commitment consists of attending the 9:00 Mass, followed by age-appropriate group sessions for students, periodic combined parent/child lessons, and fellowship and faith enrichment for parents. At least one parent attends Mass with their child(ren) as well as the parent/child and parent sessions. On Sundays where families are not attending their scheduled session, they attend any weekend Mass. There are faith activities to complete and return to further discover and explore aspects of our belief and to grow in deeper relationship with God. Fun, family-faith lessons are offered at the parish during the school year.PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS - Families are assigned to either the GLORY or PRAISE session.
- Family Faith formation begins with the 8:30AM Mass on the assigned Sunday followed by 30 minutes of classroom instruction (9:30-10:00AM) according to the grade and age of the child/adolescent.
- Parents meet in the Community Room following the 8:30AM Mass for faith enrichment and friendship.
- Periodic parent/child 30-minutes lessons are conducted during the school year to help families grow and share the faith together.
- On other weekends, families attend any one of the Masses at the parish.
- While we understand schedule conflicts can occur, we request that absences be limited. Excessive absentees may require repeating a grade or delay in receiving the sacraments.
- Families attend only the dates from their assigned session (Glory and Praise). Switching of dates to attend another session is not permitted.
THE CHOIR SCHOOL PROGRAM Choir School is offered for those children and adolescents in grades 3 and up interested in being members of the choir and singing at the 8:30AM Mass. Under the direction of our Music Ministers, Josh and Allie, they will be provided with music-based instruction and choir practice in the church Music space. KINDERGARTENFour Kindergarten sessions are held during the school year that centers around the Church liturgical seasons: Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as well as Ordinary Time. These sessions combine song, prayer, activities to bring our young children to a realization that God is a joyous and caring Father. Both parent and child attend these sessions. Siblings are welcome.PARENT FELLOWSHIP AND FAITH ENRICHMENT PROGRAMAdditionally, religious experiences are offered for parents to learn and grow in faith. There is also time allotted to socialize and get to know other fellow parents in friendship. FAMILY FAITH EVENTSFamily Faith Events are conducted during the school year and to provide family faith enrichment. There will also be parent/child faith lessons during the school year. THE CURRICULUMThe curriculum focuses on the weekly Sunday Gospel, Catholic doctrine and faith, and various activities that support the gospel message. Produced by Pflaum, a Catholic Publishing Company. Gospel Weeklies pamphlets are provided for every child and adolescent by grade level and Unit Theme. Additionally, every child/adolescent receives a Student Catechism Handbook by grade level on the first session and is used throughout the school year. The handbook is designed to help learn more about the Bible and the Catholic faith. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM (Grades 1 and 2)
Children enrolled in our Sacramental Program also use separate booklets for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation. Children work with parents at home on assignments and submit back to the Family Faith Formation staff once completed. As mandated by the United States Catholic Bishops, children must attend classes for two consecutive years beginning in 1st Grade before the first reception of the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. (Transfer students must show proof of regular attendance from past parish.) Attendance at all 16 sessions is critical in order to be satisfactorily prepared to receive the sacraments. Excessive absentees may result in a delay in receiving the sacraments in the spring.First ReconciliationChildren are prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) in the second grade. Parent meetings are offered in order to help them prepare their child for the sacrament. Children celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in our parish chapel with Father Tarantino. This individual confession between the child and the priest is held during the Lenten season. We are committed to prepare your child for First Reconciliation (penance). However, if you feel your child is not ready to receive this sacrament, it can be postponed to a later date. We provide material to determine readiness. Parents are encouraged to receive the sacrament of confession at this time as well.First EucharistParent meetings are held to assist in their child's preparation. The children, along with their parents, are required to attend our Jesus Day retreat to prepare them for their actual participation in the celebration of First Eucharist. Each spring we offer several Communion Masses for parents to choose from. VOLUNTEERSOur Family Faith Formation program is continuously seeking individuals to volunteer their time and talents to provide us with a number of needed services each year. If you would like to assist us in one or more of the volunteer capacities listed below, please contact us at 973-895-4224 ext. 104. - Catechist - to teach the doctrines of the faith to the children.
- Catechist Assistant - to assist the catechist in the classroom, assist with arrival and dismissal.
- Hospitality Committee – arrange refreshments for parent faith and fellowship session
- Office Help – to assist the staff in general administrative tasks relating to the program.
- Substitute Catechist Assistant – to assist the catechist in the classroom, assist with arrival and dismissal.
- Summer Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Parents are needed to volunteer in an assortment of ways such as counselors, crafts, games, snacks, etc. Sign up is in June.
For questions, contact:Lorraine Scandariato, Director of Religious Education
[email protected]
Annette Tracy, Assistant to DRE
[email protected]