Cindy Novak
[email protected]
973-895-4224 Ext. 106
Our Mission is to reach out to the bereaved of our parish; to assist them in the Funeral Mass or Memorial Mass preparation; and to follow up with calls and visits in the time of grief following the funeral.
The Resurrection Parish Bereavement Support Group meets at 12:30 pm, in the Resource Room on the 2nd Sunday of the month following the 11 AM Mass. In May and October, it is the 3rd Sunday.
Bereavement Ministry is an opportunity to listen, share and pray with those who have lost a loved one. Powerful and painful, yet helpful in walking the journey of sorrow and grief, many find it supportive in picking up the pieces of their lives and learning to go on.
We have a tradition of placing on the Memorial Wall in the vestibule at the main entrance to our worship space, a Memorial Cross bearing the name of each person buried from our church. Once a year, around November 1st, we celebrate a Memorial Mass and return each cross to the family. Those not buried from our Church can be included in our roll call of names and a candle will be given to the families. Let the Pastoral Care office know of those names. A letter is sent out in the beginning of October as a reminder of our Memorial Mass, the date and time.
We have walked the road of grief. If you have also, and feel called to be there for others on this road, please sign up. Openings are available to be trained as a co-facilitator, to assist in sunshine ministry and hospitality.
Our Mission is to identify and reach out to the sick and homebound of our Parish; to visit, listen, bring a bulletin and share Eucharist with them on a weekly basis; and to foster a connection between them and the worshipping community. These visits usually range from ½ hour to 1 hour.
The Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick are available by letting the Eucharistic Minister know, or by calling the Pastoral Care Office (973-895-4224 Ext. 106) or the Main Church Office, (973-895-4224 Ext 101).
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated at every Mass on a weekend in the Fall. These prayerful and powerful celebrations make present the healing love of Jesus Christ in the community.
We have many active Eucharistic Ministers visiting the homebound of our Parish. If you are already a Eucharistic Minister and would like to join us in this ministry, we welcome you. If you feel the call to ministry, but are not a Eucharistic Minister, training is available for the home and all facilities. If you feel called to serve in this ministry, please call the Pastoral Care Office.
When you are sick, to see a Eucharistic Minister come through the door knowing they are carrying the Eucharist to share with you, is the best gift.
To become a Eucharistic Minister and visit the sick, knowing you are the vessel God has chosen to bring His comfort and life, is a very humbling experience. The bond formed between the homebound parishioner and the minister is blessed.
We are His hands. We are His feet. We are His voice on earth. We bring His love.