Bob Sesko
[email protected]
The Environment Committee is responsible for setting up the worship environment and the gathering space environment. The committee’s focus is on setting up for seasonal and liturgical holydays, such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. We meet either a day or two before the Holyday or Season to set up. The chores include but not limited to: ironing altar cloths, climbing ladders to put things up, and moving /setting up plants. The intent of the work of the Environment Committee is to compliment, enhance and contribute to the worship experience of the Sacramental celebrations during the different liturgical seasons. The Environment Committee is always looking for creative people with the energy to prepare for these liturgical seasons. We are also in need of men who are able to climb ladders and hang wreaths, garland and banners as appropriate. Give us a call to get your name on our contact list. You will be called and told of the day of implementation. Get a real behind the scenes look of all the work that goes these Holy Seasons, and how the space is transformed by so many hands. For further information contact Bob Sesko 973-895-5455.
Time commitment: Usually a Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon is spent before the Season to do set up and then one to take down. Any commitment is made for only ½ day of work at the church.