Stephanie Hauge
[email protected]
What is the RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults?
A programmed process of inquiry, teachings, scripture sharing, faith sharing, discussions, formal rites of passage and prayer among catechists, inquirers (persons interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith), and active parishioners over about a nine month period. Sessions usually begin in the early fall and are held on a weekly basis. Through this process some inquirers may become catechumens, and decide to be initiated into the Catholic faith by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. Sessions continue after the reception of the sacraments to explore living out the mystery of the faith.
Who should consider participating in RCIA?
Non-Baptized people seeking to join the Church.
(“Inquirers” are accepted at any time)
Non-Catholics who may be interested due to marriage or engagement to a Catholic
Non-Catholics who are no longer or ever were active with another religious denomination who would like to understand more about the Catholic faith and its practices
Non-Catholics who may be raising children in the Catholic faith who need to understand the faith their children are being brought up in
Catholics who have not completed the initiation sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist
Catholics who need to know more or who have been inactive in their faith life
How can you support RCIA?
Examine your situation and see if this experience may be for you. Encourage a friend, spouse, neighbor, child, grandchild to participate based on their circumstances. Offer to accompany them to a session.
Volunteer to participate as a welcomer and share your faith with others.
(There is also a process for an RCIA experience for our “young parishioners”- please contact DRE of Faith Formation.)