Loren Holihan
[email protected]
Joining the Resurrection Ushers team is a really good way to get involved in parish ministry.
Why do we need you?
We need your warm smile and greeting to welcome both our regular parishioners and new visitors to Mass. We need your hands to find people seats, and hand out Resurrection Parish material like bulletins, prayer books and leaflets that all of us can use to get involved in parish activities or deepen our faith. We need your stewardship to assist those who have special needs, assign families to present our gifts of bread and wine at Mass, and to help neaten up the pews after each Mass.
What is your commitment?
Most of our ushers serve 4 weekends every other month at the Mass they sign up for. We also have alternates who can fill in for regular members who have to travel, or mind coaching events etc.
Please give us a helping Smile!
Remember, your smile and your words might be the ones that someone really needs to feel a sense of belonging to our family, or to gain courage in the midst of the trials they face in their daily lives. Won’t you come share your smile with us?